Lawns to Gardens
In February 2025, the Sustainability Advisory Committee presented a proposal to convert the lawns into gardens at Auburn City Hall and the Auburn Police Department.
When a committee member saw water-wise state legislation coming down the pipeline, she imagined a means of compliance that also beauties the city. Effective January 1, 2027, State Law AB1572 will prohibit the use of potable water for the irrigation of non-function turf on local government properties. The committee's proposal is to convert existing lawns to drought-tolerant landscapes with water-efficient irrigation.

Lawns to Gardens: Beyond Drought Tolerant
Creating a garden that saves water brings other benefits. Such a garden additionally demonstrates climate resilience by improving soil health and water retention, sequestering carbon, and fostering pollinators. Such a garden creates a space for learning ecology, inviting residents and visitors to find inspiration in bring sustainable practices to their own homes. At City Hall, this nicely continues the educational tradition of the site as the building was first used as Auburn Grammar School. Thirdly, this garden can connect old town and downtown by providing a rest stop between the districts and become a destination in itself.
Click on the slideshow to the right to see the case studies.

Progress to Date
Arborist Evaluation and advice to minimize impacts to existing trees
Tours of Case Studies: Loomis Library Demonstration Garden, City parks in Petaluma, Sonoma Community Center
Research on Petaluma’s city partnership with nonprofit group.
Site Analysis and development of draft landscape designs
Next Steps
Council gives a go-ahead to proceed with fundraising and planning.
Project will be presented to community groups and committees, including the Auburn Arts Commission, for feedback and ideas.
Progress reports will be brought to Council throughout the process.
Project will return to Council for approval when funding is in place and the schedule is finalized.
The plan consists of new drought-tolerant landscaping in front of City Hall and the Auburn Police Station.

Perspective drawing of the newly landscaped frontage of City Hall (right) and the Police Station (left).
City Hall
This landscape concept invites pedestrians in amidst the plantings. On the left, a nature path provides an alternative for accessing the front door. On the right, the design breathes new life into the existing patio through a new path bordered with color.

Police Department
This landscape concept establishes a dry creek swale to organize planting strokes of color and texture. Butressed by two canopy trees and denser planting at the corner, it guides foot pedestrians towards the main station entrance on the side of the building.

Plant Material
Many native plants are also water wise.
Oregon Grape
Hummingbird Sage
California Buckwheat
Deer Grass
Foothills Penstemon Cleavland Sage
Native Now-Free Fescue
Wild Rye

Boulder Seatwall
New City Hall Sign
Bike Fix-It Station
Seating with Shade Umbrella
Interpretive Signage
Landscape Concept Plan

Begin ground preparation in the fall/winter 2025, with planting to be completed in spring 2026.
The project may be broken into overlapping phases with APD and City Hall plants proceeding with staggered starts.
There should be no increase in maintenance costs because it is an area already maintained by city staff. This was confirmed by city staff. It is likely to produce savings because of less water use.