concern into action?
How can I transform
Thanks for asking! We hope these local opportunities, resources and rebates, and general tips can make taking action a little easier. We recognize it can be overwhelming to figure out what actions best promote greater sustainability. Taking action feels good. And let’s be honest, that’s important to combat the grief and anxiety that comes with facing harsh environmental realities. We won’t sugarcoat the challenge by saying individual actions can solve climate change. Change will also be needed at national and global levels; yet know your actions, both as a consumer and an engaged citizen, send a message and lead to changes on a larger scale. Each single-use plastic container refused, each waterwise yard, each conversation with a neighbor, each electric vehicle, each solar roof makes a difference. So let’s get to it!
Is an EV practical for life in the Foothills?
Local guide to where to take your old stuff for reuse.
Local guide to where take your recyclables.
Did you know what in Auburn you can buy green power without buying solar panels?
Lesons learned from composting in Auburn.
Search our shortlist of useful resources on a range of sustainable topics.
Let's get your solar planning started.
Reduce your trash bill with these handy local tips.
Propose an action or share a resource that can help Auburn be more sustainable.