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Sustain Auburn is here to support, guide, and track our town’s comprehensive environmental efforts. We encourage you to explore this dashboard. These are the metrics we track to guide decision-making toward a more resilient and self–sustainable community. More than words, we provide data so you can see where we are now to envision a cleaner future.
If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.
Sustainably Dashbaord
Energy Use
We strive to increase reliance on renewable energy and consume energy more efficiently. To get there, we need to understand what our usage is now. Local utilities, other agency partners, and individual efforts all play a key role in achieving energy goals. Learn more about how Sustain Auburn is cleaning up power here.
Energy Use
Water Use
Water is essential to our daily lives. Whenever water is used, there is potential for conservation both inside and outside of your home or business. Fresh water is a limited resource, making water conservation an important factor for the environment. With population growth, expansion of industry, increasing levels of development activity, and the potential for climate change impacts there is increasing pressure placed on our water resources. Whether you are on a municipal or a private domestic water supply, water conservation is a wise practice.
Water Use
As a community and as individuals, we dedicate significant resources to maintaining roads and vehicles. By measuring modes of travel, we can more intelligently solve transportation problems to reduce traffic congestion and benefit the consumer by reducing transportation costs. Inadequate transport options often limit personal and economic opportunities available to community members. Increasing transportation options can help level the playing field and create a more livable, resilient, and secure community environment. Learn more about how Sustain Auburn is cleaning up transit here.
Walk Accessibility
To encourage a healthier lifestyle, we first need to measure how ‘walkable’ our community is. Different areas of town have different opportunities and deficiencies in accessing employment, neighbors, housing, parks, schools, hospitals, retail and transit stops on foot. The distance to destinations and the quality of destinations both play a part in how likely someone is to walk during their daily and weekly routine. Learn more about how Sustain Auburn is creating a more walkable community here.
Walk Accessabilty
Transit Accessibility
Transit use in Auburn is low and we want to know why this is. By looking at transit accessibility, we can find patterns regarding opportunities and deficiencies of public transit to connect people with desirable destinations within a reasonable timeframe. Learn more about progress towards more accessibility here.
Transit Accessibility
Auburn has a long history of habitation and the habitat is in a constant state of change. Change occurs both naturally and with human influence. It is important to measure conservation at a community scale so that we can repair some of the damage done by humans and maintain the environment for future generations. Adjacent to an extensive park system, Auburn’s decisions affect the species diversity and opportunities for education and enjoyment of our wild places. Learn more about Sustain Auburn's current conservation initiative here.
Risk & Resilience
How we utilize land affects how difficult it is to recover from natural hazards such as floods and fire. We can support each other’s future and create a safer community by taking account of these risks. Learn more by searching the Auburn Planning Library.
Risk & Resilience
Emission inventories provide valuable information on how much greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions the community’s building operations produce. An inventory visualizes environmental impact so we can develop a targeted emissions reduction plan. This builds awareness of energy use, highlights what sectors produce the most GHG emissions, and creates a direction for where opportunities for energy efficiency and cost savings are. learn more about how Sustain Auburn is addressing emissions here.
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