We are the Sustainability Advisory Committee for the City of Auburn.
Our mission is to assist the Auburn City Council regarding sustainability and environmental stewardship through research, recommendations, leadership, collaboration, and community engagement.
We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 pm. Community members are welcome to attend; public comment is open at the start of every meeting. A link to the live stream can be accessed at https://www.auburn.ca.gov/129/Agendas-Minutes. The agenda is posted online at least 72 hours before the meeting. Past meeting agendas, minutes and videos are archived and can be found at the same link.
rd Tuesdays
at pm
About Us
How to Join
Vacancies will be appointed by the City Council as opening arise based on applications and committee representational needs. Information and links to either a printed or online application form are on the City of Auburn website here.
Our Charter
The City Council of the City of Auburn established a Sustainability Advisory Committee to advise the City Council on issues related to sustainability and the environment.
The Committee makes recommendations to the City Council on the following matters:
Create and submit to the City Council an inventory of actions taken by the City of Auburn since 2012 in an effort to promote and achieve sustainability, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Create and submit to the City Council an inventory of action taken, including the adoption of sustainability plans, by other jurisdictions in and around Placer County, including Placer County.
Including the data from (A) and (B), make recommendations to the City Council as to how sustainability can be improved within the City
Identify and recommend available external funding sources for such sustainability improvements.
Prepare and submit to the City Manager by May 1 of each year, a proposed annual workplan if the Committee seeks City funding to perform its duties as described herein.
Conduct other matters related to sustainability and the environment, as directed by the City Council.

The Committee has eight members appointed by the City Council:
One City Council Member
One member representing an environmental protection organization within the Auburn community
One member representing transportation and/or air or water pollution control programs within the Auburn community
One member representing agriculture, or light manufacturing/industrial use within the Auburn community
One member representing the Auburn business or development community
Three at-large members from the community who shall reside within the Auburn City limits.
The term of office for Committee Members shall be four years. Committee Members will not be limited to the number of terms they may serve. The Committee shall select a Chair, which must rotate annually among Committee Members. Any Committee Member may be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the City Council.